Med fokus på design
Livet, akkurat som hjemmet ditt, er et blankt lerret for kunsten å leve vakkert. Det kan forvandles til akkurat hva du ønsker deg, hvis du er modig nok til å sette fantasien fri.
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“The difference between style and fashion is quality”

– Giorgio Armani

Interior stylist Angela Z. Governato have had the opportunity to explore and become familiar with most styles throughout her years abroad, mainly based in the Middle East. She draws inspiration from all continents in her creative work. The stylists’ Norwegian/Italian heritage has resulted in a unique style and an international expression. Angela has worked with some of the best in retail in the Middle East, including THE One – Total Home Experience. She is the founder of GOVERNATOdesign and brought the company to Dubai in 2006 – and now back to Norway.

Angela has broad experience and expertise in residential styling, commercial interior design and visual merchandising for major brands and department stores. She is committed to generating a unique design that is tailored to customer needs. Her main focus is quality in all aspects of the design process, and from that she creates a personal expression with extensive detail and variation.

“Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love”

Signatur - Angela Governato